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International Women's Day

Dekaria Clothing

Updated: Mar 10, 2023

8th March 2023

Blog 2

Today is International Women's Day, a special day dedicated to us women.

Here's a little summary of what today is about. It's a global day which celebrates social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Over the years women have gained more courage and strength to be independent and have more free will.

I've asked a number of females some questions, so todays blog post is just about women and celebrating them. If you are a female, you are strong and powerful - continue being you and radiating your beautiful energy. You are loved.

Interview 1


Dekaria Clothing: Tell me a-bit about yourself, what do you do?

Anon: I am a 24 year old female who is currently a Garment Technologist.

I started my career as an editorial nail tech, I was an ET for 7 years whilst I used my fashion skills as a side hustle. I was fortunate enough to do nails for fashion shoots and took part in fashion week numerous times. I eventually went to uni to get my degree in Garment Technology and re-launched my career which brings me to where I am today.

Dekaria Clothing: Do you think women are empowered in todays society?

Anon: I think we are very empowered, but we donā€™t understand our own power. I think women are powerful but confused, we donā€™t know how to properly exert our power making us come across as followers instead of leaders. I also think we lack individuality making us appear less powerful. We are stronger in some areas and less in others, weā€™re quite unbalanced.

My reasons are we are easily influenced and constantly seek validation. We get comfortable in our own sadness and compare ourselves to people we have never met. However, when we know ourselves and are comfortable in our own skin, we are unstoppable. But then sometimes, we take independence to the extreme and block our blessings by putting our guard way to high, we lack the understanding of how to accept love and we carry our generational pain on our backs like our lives depend on it. But on the flip side we have strong opinions and voice them, we fight for our beliefs and we create communities for our upcoming generations. Women have all the power, we are the roots of humanity and our bodies can withstand mass amounts of pain but our hearts are weak and our minds need to be trained. Women are powerful in todays society because we fought for our power and are fighting for the rest.

Dekaria Clothing: If you could spend a day with three inspirational women who would they be and why?

Anon: My 3 inspirational women would be Erykah Badu, Anna Wintour & Bianca Saunders.

Erykah is in touch with her being, she understands her soul and she feeds her spirit, she does all this whilst being fly as hell. I love how peaceful and educated she is, how empowering she can be and how versatile she is. I love how she chose to be different and made it unique to her, she chose to be in touch with the earth and exert positivity. Her fashion sense is divine, itā€™s very admirable how she wears what she wants and doesnā€™t give in to the ever-changing trends and instead creates them. Sheā€™s a legend in her own right and her influence is exactly what the next generation of women need.

Anna Wintour is fashion guru, her name is a household staple and everyone who is anyone knows exactly who she is. Again another influence that could steer the next generation into a better direction. She understands the fashion industry and her influence is amazing. I would like to know her story, her inspiration and what drove her to become the woman she is today. She is a legend, who we donā€™t know much about. She is humble to some degree and is unproblematic within the industry. I like how she has managed to maintain privacy and rose to the top without showing her body or being provocative in any way.

Bianca Saunders is one of the best in the industry, a young black woman with amazing tailoring skills pathing the way for young women like myself. Bianca is an example of what it means to want something enough that it is spoken into existence. Without collaborations she made her statement within the industry and is now working with some amazing creatives producing high quality garments. She creates opportunities such as apprentice schemes and graduate schemes to help young fashionistas get their foot in the industry. She is the MUVA we all need having our backs as young black females.

Dekaria Clothing: Do you have any advice for your younger self, if so what would it be?

Anon: Be yourself! Be unique! Be different! Stand out! Try new things! Donā€™t be afraid because you arenā€™t an academic, they should be afraid of you! Being a creative does not mean youā€™re less intelligent, it means you see the world differently. Donā€™t compare yourself to others, you donā€™t know their story and we are all equal, no one is better than anyone. You have qualities people wish they had, donā€™t be scared to make that move!

I would tell myself that beauty lies within, your character, morals and energy will get you further than you can imagine, the world is versatile and there is an opportunity for everyone. Thereā€™s enough space for us all, it doesnā€™t have to be a competition.

Take your time, perfect your craft. There is always someone supporting you, you may not know them/see them/hear them, but theyā€™re routing for you, better yet, youā€™re all you need. Go get the bag!

Dekaria Clothing: Thank you so much, that was truly inspiring and educational at the same time.

Interview 2


Dekaria Clothing: Tell me abit about yourself, what do you do?

Ella: I am a project manager by trade and i own several businesses that operate in London including a beauty company, a cleaning company, property management company and events company. I started my first business at 21 years old during Law School as a means to support myself through the course.

Dekaria Clothing: Do you think women are empowered in todays society?

Ella: I do believe that women are empowered in today's society however more can be done to ensure that women are empowered from early development i.e from when they are young children.

Dekaria Clothing: If you could spend a day with three inspirational women who would they be and why?

Ella: If I could spend the day with three inspirational women, they would be Naomi Campbell, Viola Davis and Serena Williams. Successful black women are inspirational but these three have stood out most to me through my life.

Naomi Campbell because she has battled so much to achieve the success which she has and it's so admirable for a black woman to be at the top of their career for as long as she has.

Viola Davis empowers me to be relentless, after multiple rejections she still tried her hardest and is a well renowned global actress and producer. She inspires me to never give up.

Serena Williams does not lose, she works harder and harder to be the best she can be. Hard workers are always inspirational as they make you want to be not only better but the best.

Dekaria Clothing: Do you have any advice for your younger self, if so what would it be?

Ella: My advice for my younger self would be to have fun and stop taking life so seriously. Life is for the living and you should work to live not live to work.

Dekaria Clothing: Thank you for your time. This talk was truly inspirational. Good luck with your future endeavours.

Interview 3


Dekaria Clothing: Tell me a-bit about yourself, what do you do?

Stephanie: My name is Stephanie, Iā€™m 23 and a Gemini! The Gemini aspect is self explanatory to be honest, I have a colourful personality with many layers! I am a marketing executive in the consumer sector and love creating!

Dekaria Clothing: Do you think women are empowered in today's society?

Stephanie: There is definitely empowerment for women in society. Whether it be community groups, success stories, or just general support for each other - we have done a great job of rising above negativity!

Dekaria Clothing: If you could spend a day with three inspirational women who would they be and why?

Stephanie: I would definitely spend a day with: Beyonce, Anna Winter and Maya Angelou.

The first would be Beyonce. Her talent transcends the physical as well as her work rate. Sheā€™s never once gave up, and achieved so much with it! I would love to hear what truly motivates her to keep going.

The second would be Anna Wintour, THE fashion icon. To even shadow Ms Wintour for one day would be an honour. Fashion is such a hard industry to penetrate, it would definitely be an opportunity of a lifetime.

The third would be Maya Angelou, a beautiful poet. Her words stuck with me as a child, followed me through adolescence and sit with me as an adult. She truly moves me.

Dekaria Clothing: Do you have any advice for your younger self if so, what would it be?

Stephanie: Keep going. I know itā€™s hard, I know you like to cry, but donā€™t stop! You are so talented, never let that go!

Dekaria Clothing: Yes exactly, nothing in this life is impossible, keep going!

Interview 4


Dekaria Clothing: Tell me a-bit about yourself, what do you do?

Hannah: I am a creative who loves Ā playing the saxophone at Ā different gigs. I am also someone who enjoys helping others, Ā whether thatā€™s through finding emerging talent and putting on creative events Ā and educational networking Ā sessions, or through my other passion for development and working within organisations such as charities. I am always striving to find ways in which I can help others.

Dekaria Clothing: Do you think women are empowered in today's society?

Hannah: Women are definitely more empowered today however, there is Ā a long way to go in establishing more significant empowerment . We still live in a worldwide society Ā with gender pay gaps, mistreatment for women and girls, lack of access to education and many more examples of where women's empowerment is restricted. Nevertheless, Women are fighting for what is deserved and we are seeing young girls and women showing that even though society tries to reinforce patriarchy womenā€™s empowerment is non-negotiableand we will continue to empower ourselves and each otherevery day.

Dekaria Clothing: If you could spend a day with three inspirational women who would they be and why?

Hannah: I would spend the day with Rosa parks, Malala and Bert Etta Davis.

All of these women are inspirational to me and highlight women's empowerment in one way or another whether thatā€™s through activism, or even through music. As a result women are empowered and spending time with them would be very inspirational for me.


Dekaria Clothing: Do you have any advice for your younger self if so, what would it be?

Ā Hannah: To my younger self Iā€™d say have more confidence to put myself out there more as in many of my ventures particularly in music , shyness has stopped me in the past from putting myself out there


Dekaria Clothing: Thank you so much for your time, we truly appreciate it.


We hope you enjoyed. Thank you all for taking time out to read this blog post, and once again happy women's day. Remember today is about celebrating women, tell a female you truly appreciate that you are proud of them. Words of encouragement can go a long way.

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In the comment section below, let us know who your 3 inspirational women are, we'd love to know who inspires you.

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